Let me enter-train you.

Blue chip companies across the world trust Sayer Hamilton to promote their brand, or to train their staff. It’s important to use a voice you can clearly hear, that engages, and that you can trust. Where medical, legal, and health and safety training are concerned, it’s essential to invest in your staff and customers’ welfare, and to choose a voiceover who won’t misunderstand a script. I have years of experience in training the Oil and Gas, Pharmaceutical, and Construction industries, to name but a few.
Click on the computer screen to hear my e-Learning reel.
Elinor spoke on International Women’s Day for our event Brave, Bold & Bonkers – as our ‘bonkers’ guest speaker, really she was the most incredible (and most fitting) speaker I could have asked for. Even though I knew her story and had watched it unfold at the time, she still had me on the edge of my seat as she spoke. I wasn’t alone – as I looked across the room, at the end of her speech, every one was wiping their eyes. She had us laughing with her, crying with her and looking to the future with her. Her story is amazing, she speaks with such wit, honesty and humour about her boys, her business and some bonkers times – with such professionalism, I wouldn’t hesitate to recommend her or book her another time.
Faye Dicker, Broadcaster and founder of Freelance MumEllie’s story brought much inspiration to the audience, challenging us to break free from our perceived limitations and to keep going, no matter what life throws at us. I don’t think I’ve ever laughed and cried in equal measures before but Ellie achieved just that. She engaged with the audience on a personal level and really connected to each and every one of us. It was a story of real hope told with humour, compassion and courage. I could have listened for hours!
Becky Barnes Style